With thanks to Literally PR, delighted to be on the tour for this read.

What's it about? Spirit Writer is a journey of self-discovery for the author when she becomes aware that her grandmother is communicating with her after an unusual dream making her aware of her various spiritual gifts. These included spirit or automatic writing, whereupon she channels spirit messages to help people understand their higher self. It took a long time, however, before she realised that spirit was encouraging her to remember and understand her journey so that she could help others with theirs. On her quest for answers to all her questions, she subsequently becomes desperate to understand her gifts, how spirit communicated with her and what her spiritual journey was.
To tackle this age-old question of 'Is there an afterlife?' the author examines various accounts of people, religious or otherwise, who have experienced near-death experiences to consider similarities between their accounts.
In her quest to understand spirit and the spirit world, the author also discovered Leslie Flint, who was a well-recognised medium, and who had a unique gift in that his spirit messages came through a voice box above his head. After studying several recorded spirit messages, the author was drawn to a detailed message from Harry Price, who is well known for his exposure of fraudulent mediums, who came through to talk on the subject of ghosts and spirits, as he believed they were not understood.
The author hopes that Spirit Writer will help her readers consider subjects that are not normally talked about so that they can come to their own conclusions. This book is as much about the author's understanding of her own journey as it is about helping others to try to understand theirs.
Bobs and Books honest review:

This is a wonderfully unusual read. Honest and insightful, Wendy talks you through her personal experiences and then shares wider research.
This is only a short read but has bundles of information and energy into this subject, I glided through the pages with intrigue and engagement.
A great starter for someone interested in this subject matter and/or may want to pursue this with a thirst for knowledge.

SPIRIT INSPIRED LEGAL SECRETARY TO A NEW VOCATION IN LIFE! Wendy Sheffield, of Sutton Coldfield, former Legal Secretary of 20 years, discovers a new vocation in life after being inspired by her grandmother, Florence Marjorie Canning, and her spirit guides. What started as a moment of tragedy in Wendy’s life, 12 years ago, during a difficult divorce, turned into her discovering a totally new direction in her life after being shown by spirit that she had spiritual gifts, which she did not discover until her 50s.
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