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Why I am NOT telling you my book number... (But I will shout about books I love.)

In 2019, I realised that I had absolutely no idea how many books I was reading every year. I knew it'd be quite a lot but did not keep count, or have a clear view as to how many it would be.

So 2020 I bought myself a diary solely for my own book recording. (yes readers, I went old school and didn't think of using apps etc.) By Sept 2020 I was on approximately 80 books so decided then to challenge myself to read 100. I successful reached 106 by December 2020. For 2021, I thought this might be achievable again so gave myself the same challenge.

In January 2021, I had read 31 books. I live alone, lockdown restrictions were in full swing and therefore I had every weekend and evening to chain read. So I did. I posted this on Facebook and got severely criticized.

"You must be unemployed to read that much, spend time finding a job instead." "You must be doing audio books as that's faster I guess." "You can't have enjoyed any, you can't call yourself a book lover reading that fast."

Wow. I didn't put it on social media to brag, for those of you who know me, I'm actually quite embarrassed at how fast I read but one English Lit degree later kept me speed reading. And in case you are wondering- full time employment, never listened to audio book (5mins of radio and I'm distracted) and I really really do enjoy books.

I don't want this to become a rant but keen to share my opinions on this..

Last week I saw a post on Twitter (yay book Twitter boo hiss book Facebook) saying "I told my friend I had only read 30 books this year and she said wow that's loads and I forget that." I am all for people having reading goals, its fun and challenging and good to have a target. But, in the name of kindness, lets keep it competitive for ourselves not against each other. If you have completed one book this year that's amazing, there's millions of people who haven't. If you haven't read a book yet, keep going, you'll get there and that's OK too. Whether you have read 0, 1, 30, 50, 100 or (dare I say it 200) lets not make others feel inadequate. Life is challenging and hard enough for all of us in different ways right now. Book Twitter has finally made me fit in where I always felt like a misfit, so let's share our recommendations, discuss plot twists (without spoilers unless we've all read it) gasp, laugh and read together. I won't be telling anyone my book number for the rest of the year now, lets just shout about the books we really love instead.

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